We collectively curated a collection of photos hoping to articulate the team’s motivations for riding, or as some may call it— the “why”— the fuel that gets us up the hills, through the windy plateaus, out on raining mornings and persistent during scorching afternoons.

While this doesn’t give a complete picture of our team, nor is each person’s post a comprehensive understanding of that person, it begins to show the varying perspectives and personalities when asked the question “Why do you ride?”

Our hope in sharing these are for others to more deeply understand the diverse ways that cancer has impacted our team as a reminder that although cancer can and will pervade lives in a multitude of way, our response and the collected reaction can be unified and stronger when we work together.

This was our way to amplify our mission and response to those impacted by cancer.


“I ride for my best friend’s dad, Thomas, who passed away from pancreatic cancer in January. I also ride for those we meet along the way that courageously share their story.”


“Although I find my why changes as often as the city that we are in on the 4K, one aspect has always stayed true. I am doing the 4K because I am trying my best to carry on the legacy of Loving and helping others in need that has been passed down to me by my parents and their families to them.”


“I’m riding across the country for my dad who suffered from melanoma, my friend Jordan who passed away in 7th grade from a brain tumor, and all those who suffer from this horrible disease.”


“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”-Mary Oliver.-


“I’m doing 4K to explore 70 different communities and challenge myself in being able to connect with those places. Ultimately 4K for Cancer is special because I am able to honor my mom.”


“I wanted to do this trip to challenge myself and see America from a bike… taking the time to truly appreciating the little things in life. Along the way I enjoy how we are making a difference in the lives of young adults with cancer. ”


“I’m riding for my little cousin who was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of 11 shortly after Christmas two years ago. It was unbearable to see how cancer impacted him physically and emotionally after countless visits to the hospital in-between classes. It’s hard enough battling cancer, but no one should have to do it alone.”


“Everyone I know has been touched in some way by a cancer diagnosis. Though each situation is unique, 4K is my chance to let those close to me know that they’re not alone in this battle, as well as spread the message to others along our route to Seattle. My 4K journey is for my close friends and family members who have struggled and are currently struggling with cancer, in an effort to share my love and support.”


“I’m riding for all of my family and friends (especially John Rutledge and Charles Nicolella) that have been affected by cancer throughout my life. Having now noticed the magnitude of cancer’s impact, I am extremely proud to be a part of Ulman’s mission.”


“Because why the hell wouldn’t I want to bike across the country. The C word sucks!”


“I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my last summer before graduation, but I did know that I wanted to do something bigger than myself. 4K was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of my health while riding for those I love and have lost. ”


“Why? Why not challenge yourself to an amazingly mind blowing summer where you get to see the country and raise awareness. All on a bicycle!”


“I’m riding this summer for my mom who is battling breast cancer, as well as to channel my uncle Mark’s positivity. He is a two time cancer survivor, both while in college”


“I’m riding this summer so Young Adults affected by cancer know they aren’t battling alone”


“There’s a particular, unbreakable bond you form with people you’ve pushed the limits with”


“The stories of the cancer survivors inspire and empower me for how they overcome struggles in life. They gave me strength and courage overcome depression, challenge myself to push the limit and work harder to become a better version of myself. I hope my trip will give hope to young adults to fight cancer”


“I am biking 4,000 miles across country this summer to support the cancer community, to share God’s love with others, to use the able body and time I’ve been given for good, and to to challenge myself and live fearlessly outside of my comfort zone.”


“To show support and give back to family and friends who have lost loved ones to cancer. In addition to do something larger than life… a journey of self reflection.”


“Throughout my life I’ve been fortunate enough to have a large, understanding group of family and friends who have helped me live a happy life in spite of my developmental and mood disorders. In recent years these same people have been forced through their own hardships, one being my cousin Kristina who was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma shortly after giving birth. I went on this ride in the hopes that I would gain the clarity, strength, and skills to not only continue to better my own life, but give back to those who have helped me throughout the years.”


“My mom is a two-time cancer survivor. My whole life, she has been strong – for me and for my family. I dedicate this ride to her. I went on this ride to follow her example- to be strong for myself and for others.”


“Over the past year I realized I didn’t know the people and places within my own country as well as I wanted to. I did find two things- 1) that everyone seems to talk to their dogs in similar high pitch voices and 2) Cancer is a unifying experience that connects us all. No matter what state one resides in or views they hold– it can impact anyone and seems to have impacted almost everyone one way or another. I’m riding so I can pay forward to the cancer community, one that has impacted me in the past and is likely to impact me again in the future, as well as understand our country and it’s generosity more fully. ”


“I joined 4K for Cancer because cancer has largely impacted my family for several generations and watching people who I looked up to battle cancer and be at their weakest and in need of help drove me to want to do what I could to help others in the cancer community. I’ve also always wanted to bike across the country and so 4K really fit with what I was looking for in my next adventure. Riding with 4K has brought me people that further showed me the strength that exists in the cancer community when we all come together with one goal in mind.”